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CEEPE 2022 | Virtual

CEEPE 2022 | Virtual | April 22-25, 2022

CEEPE 2022 was originally planned to be held in Chongqing, China. Due to the pandemic impact, the conference was held via online platform during April 22-25, 2022. CEEPE2022 is co-sponsored by Chongqing University, China, South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering (SAISE) and IEEE; Organized by School of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, China.

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On April 23, Prof. Kaigui Xie and Prof. Juan Yu made an opening remarks and welcome address respectively.

On the keynote speeches session, Prof. Peter Luh (IEEE Life Fellow), Prof. Junyong Liu, Prof. Qing Xia and Prof. Zhaoxia Jing delivered excellent keynote speeches.  
在主旨报告环节,大会邀请到IEEE会士, 美国康涅狄格大学Peter Luh教授,四川大学刘俊勇教授,清华大学夏青教授,华南理工大学荆朝霞教授,分别作了精彩报告。


同时大会还邀请了28位行业内优秀的年轻学者做邀请报告,并设置了5个青年论坛:“高比例新能源电力市场”、“新能源电力系统的概率分析”、 “绿色能源AI”、“智慧能源系统”、“可再生能源高渗透电力系统先进电力电子技术”。

张儒峰, 教授, 东北电力大学

郭烨, 副教授, 清华-伯克利深圳学院

艾小猛,副教授, 华中科技大学




万灿, 教授,浙江大学


姜涛, 教授,东北电力大学


侯恺, 副教授,天津大学


黄煜, 副教授,南京邮电大学


林伟, 博士,香港中文大学


张沛, 教授, 北京交通大学


崔秋实, 副教授,重庆大学


陈涛, 助理教授,东南大学








文书礼, 上海交通大学


方斯顿, 教授,重庆大学


丁涛, 教授,西安交通大学


徐宪东, 副教授,天津大学


丁肇豪, 副教授, 华北电力大学


胡枭, 讲师,东北电力大学


谢川, 副教授, 电子科技大学


杨顺风, 副教授,西南交通大学


陈俊儒, 副教授,新疆大学


刘增, 副教授,西安交通大学


罗永捷, 副教授, 重庆大学




Moreover the conference was composed of Best Student Papers Competitions and 28 technical oral sessions, topics covered, for example, Power System Analysis and Calculation, Power System Safety and Reliability Analysis, Electronic Materials and Insulation Technology, Power System Optimization and Scheduling, Modern Energy Science and Technology and so on. Each parallel session went through smoothly and a “Best Presentation” award was issued at the end of sub-conference.

Best Paper Awards Winners


EG22-309: Zhichao Shi
for the paper co-authored with Tao Zhang, Yajie Liu, Rui Wang, Shengjun Huang
“Distributionally Robust Energy Management of Multi-microgrid Systemwith Uncertainty”


EG22-3134: Yuge Sun
for the paper co-authored with Liang Xu, Xiaoliang Dong, Ning Qiao, Chao Zhang, Tao Ding
“Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Power Market and Policy on Renewable Energy Utilization”


Best Industry Papers Awards Winners


EG22-331: Jianbin Luo
for the paper co-authored with Jianfei Zhang, Yueke Lin
“The Research on Insulator Live Detection of Bionic Robot”


EG22-305: Yongning Chi
for the paper co-authored with Yan Li, Jiancheng Ye, Li Li, Ke Xu, Xu Liang
“Study on Requirements for Test and Detection of Substation Inspection Robot”


Young Scientist Awards


Wei Lin
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China


Bo Yang
Kunming University of Science and Technology, China


Best Student Papers Awards Winner


(EG22-3174) Decentralized Coordination Strategy for Integrated Electricity-Hydrogen Market
Qi An, Jianxiao Wang, Asad Mujeeb, Chen Wu, Guiyuan Xue, Gengyin Li
North China Electric Power University, China


(EG22-3162) Robust Multi-task Learning for Calibration Transfer in DP Detection of Insulating Paper by NIRS
Han Li, Jia Xie, Wenbo Zhang, Shaorui Qin, Yuan Li, Guanjun Zhang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China


(EG22-3202) A Critical Region Search based Distributed Coordination Algorithm for Integrated Electric and District Heating System Dispatch
Chang Yang, Zhengshuo Li
Shandong University, China


(EG22-3149) A Novel Fault Diagnosis Method Integrating Reconstruction-based Principal Component Analysis with Probabilistic Neural Network on Condenser
Yuchen Dai, Shaojun Ren and Fengqi Si
Southeast University, China